The TISFD has announced the members of its Steering Committee. Members include senior executives from ING, CalPERS, AXA, Schneider Electric and McCormick & Co, alongside leaders from Oxfam, Pro Mujer, IndustriALL Global Union, and ILO, among others, in a collaborative effort to ensure its recommendations and guidance are relevant, just, and valuable worldwide.
Read moreRead more"If this is not a social Green deal, the Green deal will not happen." These were the words of Frans Timmermans, then EVP of the European Commission for the European Green Deal, in 2019. At last week’s Climate Week NYC, they were echoed again by Luc Triangle, General Secretary of our partner ITUC, and they still ring true today.
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On September 27, 2024, TISFD hosted a special 30-minute webinar to celebrate its official launch. The discussion featured TISFD's new Co-Chairs, who shared their vision for the Taskforce and delved into key questions about the work ahead.
The Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures launched today with an announcement of its new co-chairs: Arunma Oteh, Sharan Burrow, Gabriela Ramos, and Peter Bakker.
This report summarizes feedback on the Taskforce's proposed scope and governance model from a diverse set of stakeholders, including over 1000 representatives from business, financial institutions, civil society, labour, data providers, and others.
Institutional investors with a social mandate will receive a boost later this year through the launch of a Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (TISFD), which intends to heighten information availability and reduce reporting burdens.
The initiative will aim to develop a global framework for inequality and social-related disclosures so that companies and investors can communicate their inequality and social-related impacts, dependencies risks and opportunities, including as they relate to governance, strategy and management processes.
Rising inequality is officially on the private markets agenda. The first question is whether institutional investors – and private markets investors specifically – are genuinely motivated to address it.
Rising inequalities both between and within countries are fueling polarization and protectionist pressures, hampering social cohesion and political stability. Leading economists are calling for society to combat inequality.
Investors limited by lack of data and tools to incorporate social factors into sustainable finance strategies due to an “overwhelming focus” on environmental issues.
The Taskforce on Inequality-related Financial Disclosures has merged with the Taskforce on Social-related Financial Disclosures to form the Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures.
To achieve its goal, the TISFD will develop a global framework for inequality and social-related disclosures so that companies and investors can communicate their inequality and social-related impacts, dependencies risks, and opportunities.