
TISFD Resources

Proposed Technical Scope

In People in Scope, the Founding Partners set ambitious goals for the TISFD. This document provides further guidance on the key social constructs that they recommend be at the heart of the Taskforce's global disclosure framework, detailed considerations on core aspects of TISFD's approach, and an overview of proposed early work plan priorities.


People in Scope

This paper sets out TISFD's scope, approach, governance structure, and proposed work plan. It was developed in 2024 by the Taskforce's Founding Partners and informed by input from more than 1000 stakeholders on the market need for a taskforce on social-related issues.


Summary of 2024 Feedback

This document provides a summary of the feedback TISFD received from more than 1000 stakeholders on its proposed scope and governance model throughout its engagement efforts in 2024 and informed its foundational paper, People in Scope.


Videos and Webinars

TISFD Introduction

This 3-minute video introduces the Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (TISFD), a global initiative to develop recommendations and guidance for businesses and financial institutions to understand and report on impacts, dependencies, risks, and opportunities.

TISFD Launch Webinar

This special 30-minute webinar was hosted in September 2024 to celebrate the official launch of the TISFD and includes a conversation with its Co-Chairs on their vision for the Taskforce looking ahead.

Additional Resources

Social Benchmark 2024 Insights Report

This report focuses on how companies have performed against the World Benchmarking Alliance’s Social Benchmark and underscores the significant gap between current corporate practices and societal expectations for building a more equitable, inclusive and just world.


The Investor Case for Fighting Inequality

In the paper, Rights CoLab and Oxfam feature compelling evidence of inequality-related risks both at the systemic and firm level. It introduces the topic of inequality and companies' contributions to it, highlights efforts of investors that are addressing the risks of inequality, and concludes by urging investors to mitigate inequality-related risks in their portfolios.


World Happiness Report 2024

The World Happiness Report is a comprehensive and authoritative source of data and analysis on global happiness developed through a partnership of Gallup, the Oxford Wellbeing Research Centre, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the WHR’s Editorial Board.


State of the Global Workplace

Gallup estimates low employee engagement costs the global economy 8 .9 trillion U .S . dollars, or 9% of global GDP. This report examines the current state of employee mental health and wellbeing at the global level, economic and policy-related factors associated with employee wellbeing, and manager-related factors for engagement at work and thriving in life overall.


From Fragmentation to Integration

This paper aims to generate momentum within the financial system to tackle inequality and improve a common understanding of the social impacts of a market-based economy. Drawing insights from the climate agenda, it sheds light on how to catalyze action at the policy and regulatory levels through existing sustainable finance initiatives.


Does Inequality Matter?

In most countries a large majority of the population believes that income disparities are too large and that intergenerational mobility is low. Four in five people in the OECD feel income disparities are too large in their country. Concern over income disparities has increased in recent decades, with a small decline after the global financial crisis.


World Inequality Report 2022

This report presents the most up-to-date synthesis of international research efforts to track global inequalities. The data and analysis presented here are based on the work of more than 100 researchers over four years, located on all continents, contributing to the World Inequality Database (, maintained by the World Inequality Lab.


Human Development Report 2023-24

The 2023/24 Human Development Report assesses the dangerous gridlock resulting from uneven development progress, intensifying inequality, and escalating political polarization, that we must urgently tackle. The report emphasizes how global interdependence is being reconfigured and proposes a path forward where multilateralism plays a pivotal role.


Additional resources will be added as TISFD's Knowledge Hub is developed in the coming months.