Who We Are

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is guided by our Co-Chairs and consists of 25 leaders from financial institutions, business, civil society, and labour.Members of the Steering Committee are selected for their individual subject-matter expertise in the relationship between financial systems, markets, and inequality and social-related issues, as well as their sectoral and regional expertise. They represent 15 countries from 6 continents.

Co-Chair, TISFD

Arunma Oteh

Co-Chair, TISFD

Peter Bakker

Co-Chair, TISFD

Sharan Burrow

Co-Chair, TISFD

Gabriela Ramos

Chief Executive Officer, CalPERS

Marcie Frost

Senior Partner, Generation Investment Management

David Blood

Special Advisor to the Board, Nippon Life Insurance

Takeshi Kimura

Global Head of Sustainability, ING

Anne-Sophie Castelnau

Chief Sustainability Officer, ManuLife Investment Management

Brian Kernohan

Group Chief Sustainability Director, AXA

Martin Powell

VP of Reputation, Sustainability, Legal and Corporate Affairs, Natura

Ana Beatriz Costa

Group Chief Sustainability Officer, Emirates NBD

Vijay Bains

Chief Executive Officer, Schneider Electric

Olivier Blum

President and Co-Founder, Shift

Caroline Rees

Chief Sustainability Officer, McCormick & Co

Michael Okoroafor

Chief Executive Officer, Pro Mujer

Carmen Correa

Executive Director and Co-Founder, Predistribution Initiative

Delilah Rothenberg

Head of Social, World Benchmarking Alliance

Namit Agarwal

Director of Private Sector Development, Oxfam

Irit Tamir

Vice Chair Board of Directors, FairTrade Africa

Rosemary Amondi

Assistant Director-General Jobs and Social Protection, ILO

Mia Seppo

General Secretary, Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA)

Reema Nanavaty

Senior Advisor, IndustriALL Global Union

Liz Umlas

Senior Advisor, Maritime Union of Australia

Rod Pickette