The Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (TISFD) is a global initiative to develop recommendations and guidance for businesses and financial institutions to understand and report on impacts, dependencies, risks, and opportunities related to people.The aim of the Taskforce is to incentivize business and financial practices that create fairer, stronger societies and economies.

Read 'People in Scope'

"As a Latin America based business, we know how critical it is to address the social inequalities in our global systems. These inequalities pose real and significant risks to both society and to business and we must find ways to work collectively to address them. By developing robust evidence and creating space for topic and technical experts to come together - we believe meaningful progress will be made to address these system level risks."

Ana Beatriz Costa, Vice President, Sustainability, Legal, Reputation and Corporate Communication, Natura

"To gain greater insight, we support corporate reporting frameworks such as the work of TISFD toward measuring and reporting on inequality and other socially related, financially material metrics. We believe that a standardized methodology to better account for these risks will lead to more sustainable returns over the long-term."

Marcie Frost, CEO of CalPERS

"Understanding and measuring the impacts of investments on people is critical. By adopting TISFD recommendations, investors can integrate inequality and social-related risks into their decision-making strategies and make the world more equitable. Enhanced measurement and disclosure of these impacts, and their associated financial risks, provide a comprehensive view of an investment's sustainability. This approach not only aligns with best practices but also ensures long-term value creation and risk management, fostering a resilient financial ecosystem."

David Atkin, CEO of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

“Given the catalytic impact to society and to other challenges such as climate, the TISFD will ensure that tackling inequalities is a top priority for the public and private sectors alike. It will not only bring to bear the power of global financial systems and collective action to establish universally accepted disclosure standards that champion transparency, but also redefine reporting in ways that ensure that social and inequality risks are adequately accounted for.”

Arunma Oteh, Academic at University of Oxford and former World Bank Treasurer

"Disclosure requirements are too often inconsistent with the key risks and impacts that companies need to manage. We need a global framework that provides a common foundation, is interoperable with existing frameworks and standards, and aligns with established standards of conduct that reduces the reporting burden on companies and investors. This is why TISFD is essential."

Peter Bakker, President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
"As a Latin America based business, we know how critical it is to address the social inequalities in our global systems. These inequalities pose real and significant risks to both society and to business and we must find ways to work collectively to address them. By developing robust evidence and creating space for topic and technical experts to come together - we believe meaningful progress will be made to address these system level risks."

Ana Beatriz Costa, Vice President, Sustainability, Legal, Reputation and Corporate Communication, Natura

"To gain greater insight, we support corporate reporting frameworks such as the work of TISFD toward measuring and reporting on inequality and other socially related, financially material metrics. We believe that a standardized methodology to better account for these risks will lead to more sustainable returns over the long-term."

Marcie Frost, CEO of CalPERS

"Understanding and measuring the impacts of investments on people is critical. By adopting TISFD recommendations, investors can integrate inequality and social-related risks into their decision-making strategies and make the world more equitable. Enhanced measurement and disclosure of these impacts, and their associated financial risks, provide a comprehensive view of an investment's sustainability. This approach not only aligns with best practices but also ensures long-term value creation and risk management, fostering a resilient financial ecosystem."

David Atkin, CEO of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

“Given the catalytic impact to society and to other challenges such as climate, the TISFD will ensure that tackling inequalities is a top priority for the public and private sectors alike. It will not only bring to bear the power of global financial systems and collective action to establish universally accepted disclosure standards that champion transparency, but also redefine reporting in ways that ensure that social and inequality risks are adequately accounted for.”

Arunma Oteh, Academic at University of Oxford and former World Bank Treasurer

"We welcome the TISFD and its ambition to reinforce the connection between business and investors and inequality and wider social challenges that our societies are faced with. We have extensive knowledge and experience in enabling the disclosure of significant impacts of an organization’s activities on people. We look forward to working alongside our TISFD colleagues so that their eventual recommendations further contribute to the development of a fully aligned global disclosure standards system thereby reducing the disclosure burden while equipping investors, right holders and other stakeholders with the relevant information for their engagement and decision making."

Carol Adams, Chair, Global Sustainability Standards Board

"Disclosure requirements are too often inconsistent with the key risks and impacts that companies need to manage. We need a global framework that provides a common foundation, is interoperable with existing frameworks and standards, and aligns with established standards of conduct that reduces the reporting burden on companies and investors. This is why TISFD is essential."

Peter Bakker, President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

"As Co-Chair, I am excited to guide the development and implementation of this transformative initiative. People must be at the centre of our economic transition as we tackle climate change and protect and repair nature. Our goal is to create a global disclosure framework that supports and incentivizes effective monitoring, management, and reporting of human rights, labour rights, inequality and other social risks. With TISFD, we can help build a just and more equitable future for everyone."

Sharan Burrow, Former General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation

"Uneven development progress is leaving many behind, exacerbating inequalities and undermining trust in economic and political systems. Integrated solutions are needed, acknowledging the interconnections among climate change, nature loss and socio-economic disparities to drive more equitable development. TISFD will fill a critical gap by recommending financial disclosures that consider inequality and other social issues. UNDP appreciates TISFD’s work to understand the interactions between inequality and the financial system, and inform holistic sustainability reporting by companies and investors."

Tom Beloe, Director, Sustainable Finance Hub, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

"As global trends such as climate change and the digital transformation, and the inequalities they produce, keep dividing our societies, we must engage the private sector in making the necessary changes to our socio-economic model. This is a concrete step towards ensuring that the distributive impact of these trends is taken into account and business and financial activities truly benefit all."

Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

"In the face of mounting inequalities and social pressures, we need the economy and financial markets to work for people, workers and communities. TISFD provides a unique opportunity to equip market actors with the information necessary to manage impacts and risks by driving global consensus around metrics of inequalities and social-related issues. The OECD looks forward to contributing to this effort."

Romina Boarini, Director of the Centre for Well-being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity (WISE) at the OECD

"TISFD’s initiative to create an inclusive multistakeholder framework focused on addressing inequality and social issues, while holding the private sector accountable, is commendable and much needed. To be truly effective, the Taskforce must prioritize the inclusion of voices from the Global South, not only by integrating their perspectives but also by providing resources to facilitate their active participation."

Amitabh Behar, Executive Director of Oxfam International

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